Danko Jones | My Little RnR
It’s not often I get to pitch a ‘first-person, stop-motion, animated graphic novel’ about a vampire.’ It’s even rarer for the client to go ‘Yeah, cool. Let’s do it.”
Never the less, I had the pleasure of making this video for my pals Danko Jones. Huge thanks to the cast:
Melanie Baresic as The Slayer
Julian Swift as The Stoner
Ray McCready as The Pensioner
Tim McCready as The Pianist
Davy Love as The Cook
Hector Herrera as both The Bachelor and The Vampire
Matt Mclaren as The Dogwalker
Scout as The Dog
Liam Jaeger as The Boyfriend
Daniela Navas as The Girlfriend
Michael Wirth Broff as The Pizza Guy
Extra shout out to Shadi Didi at Vacation Couple for the drone footage.